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MAY 2024.

What kinds of questions are weighing on your heart at this time? Do you wonder why the world is in such a state or why God has allowed you to go through painful experiences? The amazing thing about belonging to God is that He is big enough to handle our questions. In fact thousands of questions asked by scoffers, seekers and believers are included in the Bible to help us process our own questions. Therefore, as an appropriate part of our faith journey, we don’t need to be afraid of asking questions. On the other hand, we do need to humbly accept the answers that God gives, many of which are found in the Scriptures.

The ups and downs of life and death cause questions to stir within us all. We might wish for an easy journey, but God often allows painful circumstances to stir necessary questions in our hearts. After all, what good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? (Mark 8:36). Firstly, it is necessary for us to ask how to be saved (Luke 18:18 & Acts 16:30). Once this question of greatest importance has been answered, our questions continue. As God continues to work in our hearts, we might ask whether grace gives us an allowance to continue sinning when tempted (Romans 6:1), or how a young person can stay on the path of purity (Psalm 119:9). When we’re sinned against, we might ask how many times to forgive (Matthew 18:21). And in the face of opposition, if God is for us, we might ask who can stand against us (Romans 8:31). The answer to this final question is clear: if our God is for us, then none can stand against us, even if we experience temporary pain in this life (Psalm 118:6 & Hebrews 13:6). Therefore, if God is for us, we can trust Him to answer all our questions at the perfect time and in His perfect way.

Whether or not your questions are answered this May, may you truly know the presence and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2025.

New Life Church © 2025.