In the field of carpentry, a veneer is a thin strip of genuine wood that covers over much cheaper material. A carpenter might choose this option to achieve a quality looking finish on a project while keeping to a tighter budget, which is fine if they are honest about the integrity of their final product. Yet, for one reason or another, veneered wood is often marketed as solid wood and it often takes a well trained eye to tell the difference. On the other hand, time always reveals the truth. A crack in the veneer absorbs a little moisture to swell the chipboard below, or a stain needs to be sanded down past the thin veneer, but sooner or later a veneer is seen for what it is: an outer layer that doesn’t truly represent the inferior quality of the material behind the veneer. From the outset, Jesus knew that the outer layer displayed by the scribes and Pharisees didn’t represent the true condition of their hearts. They were like bowls that were clean on the outside but dirty on the inside, making them useless (Matthew 23:25-28). Like a dishonest craftsman or salesman that might trick us into thinking that a veneered project is solid wood, the Scribes and Pharisees fooled many with their outer beauty, but Jesus knew the true condition of their hearts. He knows the true condition of our hearts too. Therefore, we do well to always be open and honest with Him. Instead of hiding behind a veneer this year (especially if that has been our habit in the past), let’s ask the Master Carpenter to do a work in our hearts, making new the unclean parts that we have formerly tried to hide. What a wonderful year it will be if we all remain open to Christ working in our hearts and through our lives this 2025.