In 1998 I went to the U18 South African chess trials where I played six games of about 5 hours each over a period of three days. One of the games that I played against a high seeded player was particularly memorable. I was holding up surprisingly well and a number of people had gathered around to see what would happen. What eventually did happen, was that I thought I had won the game when my opponent made what appeared to be a critical mistake by allowing me to capture his queen. But, as I came to realize, it was not a mistake at all. It was a genius sacrifice that forced me into check-mate.
The Cross of Calvary was exactly that — a genius sacrifice that left Satan utterly defeated. And what abounding grace it is to know that such a victory was achieved for you and for me! Therefore, although Satan is a crafty player to this day, his strategies are weak when confronted by the strength of the Lord. As 1 Corinthians 15:57 puts it then, “…thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”Check-mate!
One in Christ
Pastor Simon