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JUNE 2022.
Let Us Love One Another.
"Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God..." (1 John 4:7). This month, we wrap up our 5 week preaching series on Joel and move on to a series focusing on the Letters of John beginning with an all-age family service on 19 June. John repeatedly reminds us to love one another, and not only to say we love one another, but to demonstrate our love in deed and in truth, (1 John 3:18). If we truly are children of God, we need to reflect the love of our Heavenly Father one to another. After all, we love because He first loved us and we are commanded to love one another in response to this love, (1 John 4:19John 15:12). I am pleased to say that I see a great deal of Christian love demonstrated at NLC. Such love is extended across the generations within the church family, as well as to visitors and newcomers, and also to the broader community through projects like Little Gems. All the more, let's continue to be filled with God's love for those around us and to express such love in deed and in truth. Let's continue to pray for one another. To reach out to one another. To serve one another. Let's continue to encourage one another and to build one another up, (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Let's glorify God by truly being a people of faith, hope and love.
One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2024.

New Life Church © 2024.