APRIL 2023.
Kings and kingdoms had come and gone, yet no king had been able to rescue the people from the Sin that waged war against their souls. But all was not lost, because the long-awaited day would arrive when the King of Kings entered the world in the person of Christ Jesus. We well know that He was not received as a King should be received. Instead, He was led away to be crucified. Yet, King of Kings He was and always shall be, and rather than symbolising the ultimate defeat of a failed kingdom, the nails and the cross have become symbols of the ultimate victory, reminding us that neither the power of the soldiers who knelt mockingly before Jesus, nor the strength of the nails that they beat into his body to secure Him to the cross could hold Him back from accomplishing every Heavenly purpose that he had been born to accomplish, (Matthew 27). As we often sing, it was His love that held Him there until it was accomplished, (“How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” Stuart Townend).
Christ Jesus, the King of Kings is the Humble King who suffered disgrace as the ultimate avenue of extending grace upon grace to all who belong to Him. This Easter, we freshly remember the disgrace that He willingly faced on our behalf, but we also remember that He conquered Sin and the grave on our behalf.