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MARCH 2023.

Jesus wept (John 11:35). He, more than any other, had reason not to weep because He held an eternal perspective of all things, and yet He was moved to tears. Lazarus had died, and when he saw Mary and the others weeping, John 11:33 tells us that “he was deeply moved in his spirit and greatly troubled.

In Christ, we too have been granted a glimpse of eternity, and so we carry an eternal Hope in our hearts knowing that a day will come when everything will be made right. And yet, just as Jesus wept, it is right for us to be deeply moved in our hearts by the troubles of this world. Because of the Hope within us, however, we are not moved to despair. Instead, we are called to be moved to prayer.

This March, let’s not turn deaf ears to our grieving neighbours or a blind eye to the atrocities of our day. Instead, let’s grieve with those who are grieving, and let’s prayerfully cast all our cares upon the only one who was able to raise Lazarus from the dead… and the only one who can carry us through death into eternal life with God.

Thankfully, although this life brings tears, our Hope is in the one who is the Resurrection and the Life (John 11:25), and there is nothing in all the world that is more deeply moving than knowing such truth.

One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2024.

New Life Church © 2024.