Our baby boy is thrilled when his older brothers find a way to include him in their games. To a far greater extent, how thrilling it is for you and I to know that the Lord of all Creation has chosen to include us in His plans. What a privilege it is that He calls us to partner with Him by making known His deeds among the peoples, (Psalm 105).
In one sense, the first 5 verses of Psalm 105 probe the spiritual condition of our own hearts. Before we’re able to partner with God, we need to personally acknowledge who He is and gratefully remember all that He has done. We’re to be a people who sing to Him and joyfully seek His presence continually. Perhaps we do this well, but that’s not all we’re to do. Besides knowing God for ourselves, we are called to tell those around us of all His wondrous deeds. Psalm 105 goes on to offer an excellent example of this. One of the challenging questions at hand is whether we follow the kind of example set by this Psalm.
Are we a people who know God and tell others about Him? When last did we tell others of the wondrous deeds of our God? When last did we boast about His goodness and greatness to a colleague, friend or family member? When last did we invite someone to come along to church to hear about our glorious Lord?
Admirably, some in our congregation are already in the habit of having these kinds of conversations, but Psalm 105 challenges all of us to intentionally look for opportunities to tell others about God. This September, why not look for at least one opportunity to do just this, and while you’re at it why not invite someone to join us on a Sunday? Let’s be counted among those who remember and celebrate the goodness and greatness of God, and who joyfully partner with Him in telling others of all His wondrous works.