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Do you ever find yourself grasping at yesterday’s fleeting moments, like the warm Guernsey Summer days that have been too few this year and are now slipping away? Perhaps you long to recapture your former youthfulness when nothing seemed impossible, or maybe you keep rehashing what you would change if you could step back in time relive a missed financial or career opportunity. You might also know the pain of bereavement, or the hurt and regret of relational breakdown, and so your heart might ache for a former season of love and laughter.

The past, however, is not ours to relive and yesterday’s fleeting moments now only exist as memories reminding us that the moments of our lives pass in the blink of an eye. If life passes in the blink of an eye, we do well to live every moment to the full, which we can only do by living a Christ-centred life (John 10:10). One day all our days will come to an end, and of all the things we have chosen to do with the fleeting moments of our lives, the one thing that will truly matter on that day is whether or not we chose to responsively seek the Lord with the moments we were given. If you aren’t a Christian yet, I encourage you to urgently “seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near,” as articulated in Isaiah 55:6. It’s the very best thing you can do with the fleeting moments of this life. If you are a Christian, Isaiah 55 applies to you also. We Christians are to seek the Lord in an ever deepening way, continuously calling upon His Name.

In 1 Timothy 4:8, Paul encourages us to see the value of “bodily training,” which is a valid investment of our time, but the main teaching of this verse is that authentic godliness is of greater value than anything else “as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” This September, and with every fleeting moment of our lives, let’s endeavour to do all things well. Most of all, however, let’s make sure that we prioritise seeking the Lord and living for His glory.

One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2025.

New Life Church © 2025.