Not too long ago, many Guernsey families would have relied heavily on crops grown in their own soil to put food on the table. Even though most of us buy what we need from the local supermarket these days, some folk continue to enthusiastically raise a few crops by growing a collection of herbs in a pot or by growing the likes of a tomato bush or two in their garden or greenhouse. In our case, my son Benaiah has recently taken an interest in gardening, resulting in a thriving little patch of lettuces, red onions, and carrots. Although patience and responsibility are required, he is determined to achieve a harvest from his tiny farm, which he describes as putting at least one carrot on the table.
In Luke 10:2, Jesus compared the world to a field. Like a crop that is ready to be harvested and brought into the storehouse, a multitude of people are waiting to hear and respond to the Good News so as to be brought into the Church. Jesus said that the harvest is plentiful, but he also said that the labourers are few. As we look at our little patch of ground (the island of Guernsey), do we see a field that is ready to be harvested for the Lord and are we counted among the few labourers in our context? If we love the Lord of the harvest, our goal should be to participate in the harvest to the best of our ability, even if that means bringing one person into the church. Think about it this way: If everyone brought one person into the church every year, we would see an exponential harvest. The more folk involved with the work, the more effective we become, which is why Jesus said that we should pray for more labourers to join us in the harvest. This October as we celebrate Harvest Sunday, let’s pray that God adds to our number and raises us up to serve Him in reaching out to the people of Guernsey in Faith, Hope & Love.
One in Christ
Pastor Simon