MAY 2023.
How are we as a church doing at sharing the Gospel with friends, family, colleagues and strangers? Well, why would we do such a thing anyway? Hopefully not just to tick the “evangelism box”, but out of love for Christ and in obedience to His call for the church to reach out to all the world (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Luke 14:23; John 20;21). We’re not all socially confident, nor are we all gifted at evangelism, but we are all called to share the Gospel as opportunities arise. Colossians 4:5-6 reminds us to make the most of every opportunity to graciously and wisely share our faith with others, and 1 Peter 3:15 challenges us to always be prepared to make a gentle and respectful defence to anyone who asks us for a reason for the hope that we have in Christ Jesus. So I encourage you to continue prayerfully seeking opportunities to have Gospel-centred conversations with friends, family, colleagues and strangers. And keep inviting folk to come along to church.
If you have stumbled across this piece of writing and you are not a Christian, perhaps it frustrates you that Christians are so eager to share their faith with everyone. Isn’t it arrogant of Christians to think that their way is right? Well, I hope you will consider that it isn’t arrogance, but deep love that compels the Christian to share their faith with as many as will hear. Firstly, it is in loving response to our Saviour who loves us more dearly than we can comprehend, and secondly, we share our faith as a gift of love that is offered to all who will listen. The world is plagued with hopelessness, and yet in Christ, there is measureless grace and hope even beyond the looming grave. We long for others to know the eternal grace and hope that we have come to know in Christ. Deep love compels us to share the Good News with as many as will hear.