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JULY 2022.
Can you believe that we are already half way through 2022? What sort of year have you had thus far? Although we’ve all had some difficult days, I know that some have had a difficult year. On the whole, others have had a wonderful year so far. As we reflect on the passing of time, the thought I want to offer you this month is rooted in Lamentations 3:22-23.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

God hasn’t promised that life as a disciple of Christ will be easy, but He has promised that His love will never cease. In Christ, we are His beloved children. In Christ, there is mercy at the foot of the cross, and as we kneel at the foot of the cross, we receive the merciful fruit of His eternal sacrifice of love that covers a multitude of Sin. His mercies never come to an end and they are new every morning, so if we have stumbled, let’s return to Christ on this new day, because even in our weakness, He remains strong. Great is His Faithfulness. Whatever the coming days of 2022 may hold for you, always remember the love of the Father. You are His beloved child and He is your ever faithful Father.

One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2025.

New Life Church © 2025.