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The year is well underway and while some are pressing onwards with gusto and determination, others are already beginning to tire from a sprinting start to the year. For most of us at NLC, the journey of our faith in Christ is also well underway. At this point in the journey, some of us find ourselves full of faith and hope, while others are really struggling with doubt and discouragement. So, how are YOU doing this February? For those at NLC who are struggling, please remember that you find yourself in a loving church community and there are many in our church who would love to walk alongside you and pray for you this February, so please share your burdens with a trusted friend or with one of the leaders if would like prayer. It is right to ask for prayer when needed because Scripture calls us to bear one another’s burdens, just as one might carry the load of an injured fellow traveler (Galatians 6:2). We must always keep in mind that we are not meant to travel the journey of faith on our own. We are stronger together, especially because Christ is central to our togetherness. This is why joining a healthy church community is so important. As a Christ-centred community, we find strength for the journey by reminding each other about the Gospel and that we have been called to follow Christ, each and every step of the way. In good times and bad, as we continuously encourage one another to take up the cross of Christ and follow Him, we find ourselves journeying forward together, for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ (Matthew 16:24). Whether you’re doing well and are able to encourage those around you or whether you’re the one in need of encouragement this February, I encourage you to be fully invested at NLC..
One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2024.

New Life Church © 2024.