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MAY 2022.
True Liberation.
We celebrate Liberation Day this month, and what a day to be celebrated! Liberation has been sought or celebrated by people in every age because we were created by God to be free from oppression. Satan, the great oppressor, is the one who inspires and orchestrates every kind of earthly oppression, but we are liberated from his powerful grip through Christ Jesus. This is because Christ Jesus paid the ultimate price on the Cross to set us free from the power of Sin and Death, and the one whom Christ sets free is free indeed! (John 8:36). One day, all who are in Christ will come to know the fullness of this liberation as we enter eternal rest with God. Such liberation is good indeed, but there is a kind of "liberation" that leads to death if pursued. This too has been sought by people from the beginning. Adam and Eve sought to be liberated from the good boundaries that had been set by God in the Garden. They sought independence from their Creator. Their descendants followed in their footsteps, and to this day humankind has desperately and unrelentingly pursued independence from God's ways, even celebrating the darkness. As we all come to discover in this life or the next, such independence does not result in freedom, but in slavery. It does not result in life, but in death. Christ died to set us free but the extraordinary thing is that only those who come to depend on Christ truly find freedom. Contrary to the age old pursuit, dependence on Christ means that we no longer seek independence from God. Rather, we live as bondservants (slaves) of God. (Ephesians 6:5-9; Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Peter 2:16). So then, let us truly celebrate the liberation that is our's in Christ Jesus, but let us also gladly choose Him as our new Master. He died to set us free and there is none like Him.
One in Christ
Pastor Simon

New Life Church © 2025.

New Life Church © 2025.