MARCH 2022.
The second chapter of Paul's first epistle to Timothy begins with these words: "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way," (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
At the time of writing this devotional thought, the situation in Ukraine looks grim indeed. We look on with horror at the unfolding events of what appears to be an unprovoked attack by Russian forces. While it is devastating to observe the final severing of the strands of peace and order in that region, we need not be shaken or even surprised. Wars and rumours of wars are common place in our day, and Scripture plainly predicts such events within this world of sin. There is also no need for us to be afraid because our hope does not rest in the kings of this age, but in the Almighty God. Nonetheless, we are not to be apathetic or self-absorbed in times like these. Just as the situation in Ukraine has escalated in recent days, so let the fervency of our prayers escalate this month. Let us offer up prayers for all people, including those in high positions who make decision that have dramatic implications.
Most of all, my encouragement would be for us to pray fervently for the faithful believers who are facing intense difficulties at this time, especially remembering the work of SGA. (Find out more about SGA by clicking here).
May God bless you richly as you spend time in fervent prayer.
At the time of writing this devotional thought, the situation in Ukraine looks grim indeed. We look on with horror at the unfolding events of what appears to be an unprovoked attack by Russian forces. While it is devastating to observe the final severing of the strands of peace and order in that region, we need not be shaken or even surprised. Wars and rumours of wars are common place in our day, and Scripture plainly predicts such events within this world of sin. There is also no need for us to be afraid because our hope does not rest in the kings of this age, but in the Almighty God. Nonetheless, we are not to be apathetic or self-absorbed in times like these. Just as the situation in Ukraine has escalated in recent days, so let the fervency of our prayers escalate this month. Let us offer up prayers for all people, including those in high positions who make decision that have dramatic implications.
Most of all, my encouragement would be for us to pray fervently for the faithful believers who are facing intense difficulties at this time, especially remembering the work of SGA. (Find out more about SGA by clicking here).
May God bless you richly as you spend time in fervent prayer.

One in Christ
Pastor Simon
Tags: Bible guernsey New Life Church