AUGUST 2022.
What a wonderful July we have had here in Guernsey! Perhaps a touch too hot for some, but glorious nonetheless, and the crystal-clear water and warm sand beaches have been enjoyed by many. As we know, the Bible is filled with poetic images to help our finite minds understand an infinite God. Psalm 84:11, for example, compares God to the sun… “For the Lord God is a sun and shield.” The sun lights our way by day and the moon reflects the light of the sun by night. In a much greater sense, God is light, as we read in 1 John 1:5, and the Scriptures reflect the light of God to us, as we read in Psalm 119:105.
Sunshine is what makes summer so delightful, and yet, as some might have freshly experienced in recent days, careless exposure to the sun can be dangerous. This is where it is interesting that Psalm 84:11 refers to God as a sun AND shield, and then goes on to say that “The Lord will give grace and glory.” The Lord is not only glorious beyond measure, but He is also gracious beyond measure, particularly to those who are in Christ. The one who is appropriately shielded from the blazing sun can enjoy summer to the utmost degree without getting sunburn, and the one who is in Christ can enjoy the light of God without being consumed (Lamentations 3:22-23).
This summer, let’s remember that because of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ toward us, we can truly enjoy the eternal glory of the Lord. And so, as is written in Numbers 6:24-26, may the Lord bless you and keep you, and make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.
Have a wonderful August.